Before i forget, here's my kids major developments:
Qistina Rasyiqah:
- Gradual developments each month. Started with rolling at 4 mths, then crawling from 4.5-6.5 mths, then sit at 7 months and walking at 1 year 19 days.
- Started teething after 1 year.
- Started on rice at 11 months, even when toothless.
- Constant change of appetite from 1- 3 years.
- Started jumping and running on her own close to 20 months despite sending her to gym class from age 7 months.
- Started conversing in full sentence at close to 3 yrs old. Knows alphabets but cant recognise it all yet, still mixed-up colors, fairly good w recognition of nos 1-5.
- Enjoyed hair cut at salon abt 30 months of age.
Farrell Syauqii:
- Started rolling at 4 months, did a bit of crawling between.6.5-8months, sat and stand at 8 months, walking at 11 mths
- Started jumping on his own at 13 months
- Started running at 15 months, & never attended gym before
- Lots of bruises on face. Too active
- Screams and shouts louder
- cry till loss voice. Took too deep breaths
- Have not started on proper rice. Still feeding on very-smooth nestum even though started teeting at 11 months
- Feeds more milk now. No appetite change as yet
- Understands basic instructions and can instruct us to do something he.wants by pointing at age 15 mths.
Worried about his feeding if he enters childcare at 18 mths, and still not eating proper meals.. Haiz...
Got to get ready for work now. Was up from 2am.
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