First of all, hello everybody! Hope you guys are doing great!
We are now left in the last 10 days of ramadan, and alhamdullilah so far i have been able to fast fully thanks to breastfeeding. After not being able to fast properly the last 3 years due to pregnancies in year 2010 & 2012 and irregular menses in year 2011, i am very pleased and thankful for this golden opportunity to fast in full thus far. May this continue till the end, amin.
Ramadan 2013 is a month full of trials and blessings for me, to be honest. Things after things (i wont elaborate here lah, if i do its like buka pekong di dada or sthg) happened. Things that made me sad,angry and anxious at the same time. Till to a point where i brought my entire family away for 1 night. Just to recuperate from all the things that are happening.
Though i was tested again and again, i lived by this motto, 'if Allah brings you to it, He will bring you through it'. I had complete faith in him to make things right. And He did. Alhamdullilah. Though i am currently recovering from the trials, life have been more or less back to normal now.
Breaking fast with a toddler and a baby is seriously not an easy task! When its time to eat, they will be making all sorts of antics. Crying la, fighting la, want to be carried la, etc etc.
Husband and i have been given several chances to break fast outside with the kids. I think about 4 times. We decided to take this opportunity to spend quality time together and to gove my family members a break and let them eat in peace once in a while. And we just realized how cheap it is to break fast in JB. Note that all the places we went are very near the checkpoint. Our intention of going into JB is simply just to break fast with lavish food at cheap prices, and then visit their tesco or giant to get a few snacks for my baby. And to top up petrol of course. Like yesterday, we ate, brought snacks, top up petrol all for S$50. Where can you get to do that in Singapore?
Ok enough about fasting. This year, we will be celebrating hari raya foursome. Our outfit has been sent for tailoring (in JB as well) and i am waiting to collect them. Cant wait!
About the kids now. Qistina is already 30 months and is able to converse properly. Though she still mixed up colors and numbers, she is fluent enough to understand what we said and to ask for things that she want. Now that she is able to speak well, she has been speaking and commenting non-stop. Just like the other day, one of my sisters was wearing very short shorts at home. She came up to her aunty and said, 'eh aunty pakai aper tu? Pendeknyer, tak malu eh?! I literally almost rolled laughing on the floor!
Farrell is already 7 months and he is starting to crawl already, though not stable yet. A bit slow compared to the sister but he is very active compared to her. He gets excited when seeing his sister running here and there, and wants to join but couldn't. I remembered Qistina started crawling about 5 months and by 6.5, she is already sitting stability.
Well, as long he is up and well, he can take all the time he wants to i guess.
Oh, and did i mentioned he stopped using the pacifier at 6 months old? He soo hated it. Which is good lah so at least i save money on that pacifier. I was a bit surprised actually because he started using it at about 2 months, and i thought he would end up like Qistina, using it for more than 2 years. Qistina quit the pacifier also easily at about 26 months, but i think it is mainly attributed to the fact her teachers don't allow use of pacifier during school times. Looking at other kids without the pacifier made her forget hers i feel. One night she threw it away under the table, couldn't find it and so i took the opportunity to tell her its lost and blamed it on her. And she quit. Amazing right. No need to threaten or whatsoever.
Oklah, thats all the update for now. I am going to nap for a while (drowsy la eating medication) before leaving for work. Oh did i mention we all are sick now? Yeah, Qistina brought it back from her school, passed it to Farrell, then i got it and last husband got it. He just had fever and flu yesterday. Please pray for our fast recovery ya. Amin.
Till next time. I foresee it will be sometime before i blog again, so here's wishing all my muslim friends and readers a very SELAMAT HARI RAYA. Maaf zahir dan batin.
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