Friday, June 7, 2013

Difficult times

Hello peeps!

Hope everyone is good today. It has been a while since i last blogged. It has been crazy juggling between work and 2 kids. Seriously not easy i tell you! All i want to do during my free time is to catch up on my sleep. The fact that i don't have a helper has made it worse. But i think if i ever were to blog on this, it will definitely be on another entry.

Alhamdullilah my family and I are all good. Except for a little cough here and there with Qistina. Farrell had his 5 month injection and all has been well for him. Thank god no more injections till he is 1 year old. His 3-5 months injections are expensive ok. Maybe because it is a private paedtrician, but I'm glad it is all over now. Someone I know told me she brought her son to poly clinics for injections and that she can pay by medisave, I was like, what?! You can?! But come to think of it, I wouldn't want to bring my child to a poly clinic and waste time waiting. Anyhow, I always felt that a private doctor to know your history is always good than compared to having multiple doctors gaining access to your files and giving different opinions. Worse still, if you're there for some follow-ups, you need to repeat your 'story' over and over again. 

While I'm typing this, husband is currently away on outstation to batam islands. Next week he will be leaving for a newly opened terminal in Pengerang, Johor.

The past few months have been a bit difficult for us. Financially I would say. Not to the extent of not having enough food to eat or drink etc. everything is covered, food, milk powders, diapers, bills( a lil outstanding but all is good), but there has been no spare cash or savings. 

You see, my job as a financial consultant does not give me any basic. It is purely based on first year commission (read: new business) and renewals. So when I went for maternity the past 4 months, I was only relying on my renewal income. Yes, I am in the midst of claiming my 'loss' income from the government but that is still pending. 

Because there is no extra cash, I have to put some luxuries like shopping for clothes, facial and massage packages and certain cravings like red velvet cake topped with Nutella on hold. 

I really can't wait for this few months to be over. Once my financial is back to normal ( hopefully by next month), I still have to worry about the upcoming hari raya. Thankfully I have bought and sent our garments for tailoring. First time sent it to Larkin, Johor to be tailored, yes, very very affordable and reasonably cheap. I do hope the workmanship is good as well.

At 4.19am now, I just finished feeding the kids and expressing my breast milk. I am going for some snacks now as I will be fasting tomorrow. I have been repaying my fast on-off since last month. Alhamdullilah, 15 more days to go from 34. Now that my monthly best friend is not here yet, I do pray that I am able to fast in full this year, In sya Allah...  Couldn't do it during both my pregnancies.

That's all the rants for now, till another time!

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