Tuesday, April 30, 2013

4 months and 27 months

Weighing 8.3kg and 0.64m.

What he can do:

- rub his eyes when sleepy

- suck 1-2 fingers inside his mouth. I really need to get a tether for him

- try to roll on his side but usually get stuck halfway

- likes to be carried. When I have things to do, I will ignore his cries to carry and continue doing my things. Because if I succumb to his cries and carry him, next time I put him down, he will yell angrily.

- he is already feeding on solids, he knows how to swallow now.

- looks at food that we eat greedily. He will drool like crazy. Gave him a piece of biscuit the other time and he started to lick it!

- can sit with support. No support, he will just tumble over.

About my girl at 27months:

- no longer cry when going to school

- eats a lot in school. And still eats more at home

- can form short sentences. Mimicked a lot of our conversations. Sometimes talk too clearly, while other times still in her own language. I was in shower the other day, I left Farrell and Qistina with my sis Nina.
Qistina puts on her shoes.. Ran to the main door and said...

Qistina: Aku nak kluar. Aku jaga adik.

Nina: huh?

Qistina: Aku nak kluar. U jaga adik!


- hates to clip her nails. So I have to trim them when she's asleep every weekend

- too choosy when it comes to wearing home clothes

- can identify our car

- can recite nos 1-10.

- can recite doa makan

- can recite alphabets but selected ones only

- can open and twist bottles/ointments/ creams easily

- loves entertaining her brother

I'm in the office now waiting for hubby to pick me up. Hence I blogged randomly. Lol

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