Sunday, April 28, 2013

So he turned 4 months

My prince is 4 months now. And I have officially started work in early April. Not easy to juggle with the lack of sleep and rest, 2 babies and work. And my tuition session started on first Saturday of the April month. Phew! Tell me, supermum or what?

Anyways, we all got sick in the month of march due to flu and cough. From Qistina. Which she got in school. First it spread to me, then I recovered. Then hubby got it, followed by Farrell. We all went to the doctor, and alhamdullilah everyone recovered fully after 3 weeks or so.

Then 2 days back, Qistina seems to have gotten it again. From don't know where. I have been mixing her milk with her med, so hopefully she can recover before it becomes a vicious cycle again! Jeezzz...

Anyways, Farrell will be going for his 4th month injection tomorrow. Wonder how much he weighs now. At 3.5 months, he was 7.9kg already.

Last Friday, hubby and I bought a new tandem stroller from Mas Baby. Farrell had a ride immediately and I think he finds it quite comfy. Qistina has yet to ride in it. And we had sold off both our existing strollers. Sold the Graco to a Singaporean mum for $80 and the jeep to an Indonesian couple who came to Singapore just to collect the stroller for $150.

I'm pumping now, but I guess I'll end this entry abruptly as Farrell had woke up from his nap. Till then!

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