Sunday, January 11, 2009


To be honest, anxious has been my company (feeling) ever since my exams ended last december 08. Over the past month of Dec, I was anxious of whether I will ever get a job offer. After I came back from my holidays in mid-dec, I have made it a point to send in 2-3 applications each day. So till today, you do the maths of how many jobs that I have applied for.

Thus far, I have been called for 5 interviews. 2 of which I got rejected for only-god knows the reasons. I turned down another 2 due to my analysis of effort-pay heuristics. (which means the effort that i need to put in is not worthwhile to the pay that they are offering).

So after being turned/turned down 4 job offers, I kinda vouch (or rather tell myself) to just take the 5th offer if I'm given the chance.

2 reasons:

1) I'm kinda getting desperate, and the thought of being unemployed just scares me off (yerlah, dengar2 pun aku planning nak kawin kan...)

2) After the many2 news about recession and that company's are laying off people, I believe that I shouldn't be choosy and should just be glad that I secured myself a job especially in this crisis

Thankfully, I did really well for my 5th interview and got offered the job. The pay is very very good too for a fresh graduate. And it's not commission-based, which means I'll be getting a steady pay every month. Furthermore, the location is rather near to my house so getting to work is no hassle.

But now, I'm just anxious on whether I should take the offer or not.

If I look at the pay alone, I should 100% accept it. But I know better than that.

So why am I anxious you ask?

First reason: I'm relatively new to this field of business. I've never done it before and I am not sure whether I am able to adapt to the 100% people business concept.

Second reason: being in the people business, I have to constantly meet people. And in this crisis, I'm not sure whether people will want to hear me out or not.

Third reason: the company that I applied for is rather controversial as in, they got hit by a financial crisis last year. So I'm not sure whether people still believe in them or not. And this means that when I meet people, I need to be extra influential in order to get them listen to me.

Fourth reason: what some friends say kinda have influenced me a little. They gave constructive comments and asked me to clarify further before taking the job but at the same time, they are not sure if this is the best industry that I should jump-start my career into....

So I am going to do just that, I'm meeting the person tmr to clarify my doubts before making the final decision.

Apparently entering into a new milestone in my life is not as easy (smooth) as I thought it would be. And, I wonder if this anxious feeling will ever end....

Till then people, have a great week ahead!
Ya allah, permudahkanlah urusanku....


  1. have faith yana... dont wory... rezeki tu kalau ada insya Allah semua akan ok... hugz... jangan risau2 ok

  2. insyallah...
    im waiting to see how it goes.. harap all will be well...

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