Tuesday, August 8, 2017

First day of work

Alhamdullilah syukran.

I have started my new job on 7 August 2017.
My third career in my entire work life so far.

After passing the second interview - 4 hours interviewed by 7 people, of which 5 are locals and 2 overseas via video conferencing, i was accepted into the company. A swiss MNC. Alhamdullilah.

All went well on my first day. Seems that my local boss and colleagues are nice. But not sure about my Europe boss and colleagues. I not have formally met them yet since the interview. Hope all will be well in sya allah.

There was a business unit meeting at 8 pm on my first day at work. Tiring, yes but surreal as there I was in the meeting room, in front are 4 other screens of colleagues overseas joining us as well. A new experience indeed.

That said, I missed my kids so much. After 2 months being home, cuddling and doing things together, i really really misses them. I miss my husband too. But moving on, I can only hope for the best. Please pray for our well-being. Amin.

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