So we left for KL on 5-8 June and stayed in an awesome 1 bedroom condo at Hijauan saujana, in damansara. Great place, facilities and location.
Went to several shopping places like Ampang Point Shopping Centre for Paddington Pancakes, last minute red velvet creamcheese and nutella from Murtabak Grande, Saujana Food Village, Masjid Putrajaya, Busana @ Menara (but couldn't locate Nanarayyan store. Went for a last minute sale at Datuk Aliff Syukri boutique, and even visited Creacion by Siti Nurhaliza.. Visit only, didn't buy anything in case overbudget. Lol
Bazaar Ramadan in KL was terrible. We didn't get a lot of food for Rm50. Kuih muih was hard and tasteless.
8-10 June, we made our way to Umbai for homestay at Rumah Mak Embun. First experience in a village, but a modern one. Kids chased chickens the first time we reached. Food was awesome, bazaar ramadan was way better.
We went around the village area and got our kuih there. Didn't even go to their town area.
A good break. Broke now. Hahahaha
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