Saturday, May 7, 2016

Baking in School for Mother's Day

So it was baking day at school today for my 3yo. Muffins for mother's day. Got an invite from school to attend the 'baking session' together with my son. But thanks to prior work commitments, I was not able attend. My mum WA me the photo of the muffins. My first reaction - either not baked enough or some ingredients missing.

Came home, my son said he baked for me muffins for mother's day & even refuse to let others take Bite. After coaxing him to share, we started eating. My guess was right. While eating thru the second piece, he had difficulty swallowing. Then with the most innocent face ever (which I will never forget), he said..

Him: Sorry mummy, my kek tak sedap. I tak tau buat.
Me: sedap, I like it a lot.
Him: tak sedap, I tak suka. Mesti you pun rasa tak sedap.

Beloved daughter jumped in and said, sedap la kan dah nak abis.

I felt my heart wringed n emotions starting to come over me. N my mum had to end it off with - 'yelah yg lain mak dtg, farrell takda mak nak tolong'... Sigh...

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