Year 2012 recap:
January: Qistina turned 1 year old. We celebrated the success of 1 - year parenthood where we endured sleepless nights and exciting yet tiring holiday trips with the little one. She also took her first year photoshoot and I compiled all her photos in a photobook where I called it "Her First Year Journey - Qistina Rasyiqah"
February: 25th Feb is where we eventually held her belated first year birthday party at Aloha Loyang The Pavillion.
March - May: Work went on very well due to some promotions and discounts
May - June: Found out I was 7 weeks pregnant on 6 May, if I recall correctly
a) Continued working as per normal
b) Celebrated Raya with Qistina for the 2nd time
c) Husband got promoted, and hence an increment
d) We bought our own car in October
e) Settled my pregnancy to-do lists and shopping
f) Qistina went into childcare in August 2012. She cried for 5 days then OK. In September (if i recall correctly), she got HFMD. As I was pregnant, nurses and doc told me to stay away from her. But how could I? In fact, I became the primary care giver during that period of time. Thankfully, baby and I were fine. Husband was the one who contracted the HFMD.
g) My sister, Amy's wedding.
18 December: I turned 27!
19 December: Husband turned 32. Our 3rd year wedding anniversary. We celebrated by satisfying my final craving at Arnold's Fried Chicken.
20 December: My lil prince welcomed the world.
23 December: Discharged from hospital
24 December: Baby was discharged due to jaundice
25-1st Jan: Stayed at home taking care of a toddler and a baby
That sums up my year 2012. I excelled at work during the first part of the year, endured months of backaches during the pregnancy in the second half of the year.
So my resolution for 2013?
- Basically save more $$ for our future. Home is coming in year 2014 in sya allah, Qistina is already in school, and Farrell will be joining her in about 18 months time.
- Holiday trips will be somewhere near. My Europe/Aussie trip will have to postpone till after I get the house.
And of course, all the other things like being a better person overall, a better wife and mother.
Guess this sums up my first new year entry.