Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Backdated entries

Work has been really crazy! I don’t even want to talk about work right now. It is really talking up 99% of my time. Sometimes when weekends come and I don’t have any appointments, I so wish to blog about my week but the fatigue from the crazy work week will often hinder me from blogging. I would rather sleep or watch TV or talk to Mr. HHH or my family members instead of blogging :(

24hours for me now is really not enough. Not to mention, financial-wise. It is only left to about 6 more months to the biggest day of my life, and I can really feel the tension. We are using the GSS to buy all the dulangs (whichever we can of course) to at least save some money for other purposes. Not easy I tell you.

From this 6 months onwards, both of us have to work harder and do more sacrifices like preventing ourselves from eating luxurious foods, buying stuffs that we don’t really need etc. I guess you need to be in my shoes before you can understand what I am talking about. Furthermore, planning a wedding without any help is not easy either. Most of the things are being sourced, done and decided between Mr. HHH and I. Financially-wise also. We have been spending quite a bit of time together to get all these things finalized. Sometimes there are some strains between us, but like I often tell him - We only face this journey only once in our life. Let’s not see this as a “burden” but something that we can look forward to and remember for the rest of our lives. This positive thought of course worked and it reduces significant strains between us.

Enough about that.

These 2 months is also straining because we will be turning my balcony into a cats’ home. The renovation should be done somewhat by end of this month. And after that, we will give the our house a new coat of paint and all that. “Furnitures” for the cats home has also been bought, so I am now trying to decide on a date where everyone can take leave and settle the house once and for all.

Come July, I will be having my graduation ceremony and prom night, that also costs me money. :(

A week after that, I have scheduled for a family portrait shoot to put up on our newly painted wall. So for those coming to my place for upcoming hari raya or other business, expect to see a “new” and decorated home :)

So to my fellow readers, a lot of things has and will be happening in these 6 months ahead. Hence, pardon me for the “dead” blog. I will try and give frequent updates but no promises.

On a happier note, I met Dee & Fariza about a month ago (I think) and we spent the entire day at Wild Wild Wet. We kinda planned for a chalet to discuss details about my big day but it has to be postponed due to chalet inavailability. After 4 hours of long swimming and miggling, we went for dinner and finally called it day. Aper ker tidak, the night before that aku balik JB at 2 am, and then had to wake up at 7am to go wild wild wet. Nasib tak tertido while driving!

appointed driver



The week after that, I had a wedding invitation from Ija whose brother-in-law got hitched. Saw and carried Rizq Aryf around.. Dah besar budak tu.. (that’s ija’s son by the way)…


with rizq aryf

forever us

the maidens

Finally, last weekend that just past, Mr. HHH and I went to his friend’s wedding at Jurong West.

with the pengantin baru

Afterwhich we went to Ming Seng to check out what they have to offer for us :)

Today, I kinda went home earlier a bit to rejuvenate myself after working for close to about 13 hours yesterday. Thus, the time to blog.

So till next time then, Love!

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