Thursday, February 7, 2008

Blastin Sunday!

I know this entry came a little late, but hey! Better late than never! *winks to dida*

Met up with the babes last Sunday. Not full attendance. Missing 2 other babes, Ain & Fariza...

We arranged to meet at 3.30pm at Dhoby Ghaut MRT Station but (yelah janji melayu), it was around 4.30pm when all of us gathered. Initial plan was to have lunch & then chill at Mind's Cafe (a cafe where u drink & eat while playing boardgames) along Prinsep Street.

But Miss SGH wanted to catch a movie. So we ended up watching Sweeny Todd at the new Cathay. My first time there. The entire cinema was in red... Quite cool actually; kinda matched my outfit that day....:)

Had lunch at McD before chilling out at Starbucks since we have a few hours to kill before the movie. Thanks babes for the treats, next year will be my turn!

Anyways, it was a musical starring Johnny Depp la ok! hahaha.... The show was quite brutal with the killings & blood gushing out etc... If you are really interested in musical, definitely a show to catch. If you're not the type, maybe you should skip this coz there's really lots of musical for all the little things. Can be a bit suffocating if you don't admire musical.

They say a picture paints a thousand words. So, go figure!

I really really love meeting those babes. We've been friends for more than a decade & still strong and going... Definitely hope it will last a lifetime, even after all of us settle down in the future. Right babes?!

Till then, Love!

p/s: we'll be driving next time we meet... Yayness!!!

p/p/s: to all celebrating Chinese New Year, GONG XI FA CAI, wo zhu ni bu bu gao sheng!

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