Remember I mentioned I hate my tuesdays as I have that 6-hr break in between classes? Yesterday had a twist, I was in school for a project meeting the entire 6-hrs. How fun... NOT!
Since my class ended at 1045pm yesterday & it was Mr. HHH off day, he was kind enough to pick me up from school(after some pursuasion.. haha). Off we went to Serangoon for dinner. Greedy us, we ordered soto ayam, nasi goreng ayam merah & roti john cheese. We managed to finish all the food except for a few pieces of that roti john.
After school started, it has been quite difficult for Mr. HHH & I to have a proper meet-up. When it is his off-day, I will be at school. When it is my free day, he will be working. So you do the maths. It will be quite lucky for us if we can find a common time where both of us are free and can spend the day together.
We'll be going to his family function this sunday. He had to take leave so he could attend the function with me. See what I mean?
I am so looking forward for the CNY holidays though I am not celebrating it. Obvious reasons, a break from school. Usually I will just slack at home during the CNY holidays because as expected, most of the shops will be closed. Last year during CNY hols, my aunt brought me to a little trip to Malaysia. Don't know if this year will be similar... I know a friend who is going Batam during the CNY hols; have fun dear!
I may be going to Batam sometime in Feb/March to get some stuffs for the trip. Well, it's still undecided. Will update again if I'm really going.
That aside, I'll be meeting up with the babes this coming 3rd Feb for lunch. Wonder what we'll do for entertainment, girls? Well, the plan has not really been finalised. We just booked each other first :)
Oh, before I forget, to those who are planning to go Sweden either for the student exchange program or for a mere holiday, do check out my friend's blog. He went exchange there and visited several places which I thought was quite interesting. So for more info, visit
I'm going to start on my assignment now. I have a class at 3.30pm later... *bleargh*
Till then, Love!
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