Sunday, October 12, 2014

Im an emo-mummy.

So my daughter is toilet trained in September 2014. There was not even a 'training'. One fine day i got a call from her teacher, asking me to pack her undies from next day onwards. She will receive 'toilet training' in school.

Next day, she came home, so proud of wearing undies. And stopped diapers immediately all together.  Only wear her the diapers at night.

Im so proud of her. She does things fast, when she is ready.  Read READY.

She used to hate brushing her teeth when i introduced it to her from 1 yr 9 mths. But when she turned 2.5, she started brushing her teeth. Properly. Till today.

So we went out the other day. And we had lunch together as a family.

First, my daughter was eating & talking about how her day was in school. Then asking me to bring her to the toilet. 

On the other hand, my son started feeding himself. At 1 year 9 months. I was so proud. Then suddenly,  i got emotional.  I teared looking at the achievements of my kids.

I was like, omg. My kids are all grown up. Where has time flies? I left my son at 8 months, to work fulltime elsewhere. Now, he is such a grown little man.

I am so missing my flexibility as a work-stay home mummy.

How i miss those days when i have the flexibility of time. To match my husband's schedule, as well as prioritise my kids when they should be. Cant wait for Jan 10 2015. Sigh.

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