Tuesday, February 19, 2008


The BSM launch yesterday went smoothly according to the original plan, but not my plan.

Everything went well despite my morning rush madness & the late guests & the "push-backed" programme schedule that left me no time at all to network with the guests. Worse still, I didnt even manage to grab the refreshments which I heard good reviews about. *takda rezeki*

Overall, I guessed my entire day was fantastic. I made it to the launch, made it to class, met Mr. HHH for dinner & tuition even though I was half-awake by then.

Today is another long day... Whatever it is, I'm soo glad I don't have any mid-term tests this week!!!

To those having mid-terms, ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR PAPERS!

Can't wait for the term break next week...

Till then, Love!

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