Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Fun with Cheryl

Pardon for the lack of updates. This is week 4 of school; project meetings and tasks have already started, giving me very little time to do anything else.

Since I was quite free last week, I met Cheryl last Thursday for lunch at Nana Thai Restaurant in Far East Plaza. She is going for an exchange program to the Netherlands & will be leaving on the 5th Feb till mid-July. We had lots of cam-whoring together. We exchanged lots & lots of stories, updating each other on the happenings of our lives... hehe

How I fancy her; no school now. All she does now is waking up late in the afternoon & keep on meeting several friends each day till late. haizzz....

Chicken fried rice; my choice

Tom Yam noodles her choice + dried chili beef to share

After lunch, we went Cathay to play BOWLING! Yes, bowling... Something which I hadn't done in about 4-odd years. But Cheryl got the wrong info, there was NO bowling alley in Cathay! *grrr* .... haha

However, our urge & excitement to play bowling led us to taking a bus from orchard to Marina Square. And we played there.

Oh, and did I mention that Cheryl actually asked some stranger to take pictures of us while we posed in the bus? *embarassing moment #1*

In the bus

Our thirst-quencher

Choosing the pink one

Posing with the black one

Embarassing Moment #2

Notice the ball behind me? I was about to throw the ball towards the alley when it suddenly slipped & fall with a thud behind me! Goodness! I swear the other people playing opposite us saw the incident & was trying very hard not to laugh! *boo*

Though there were embarassing moments for both of us, I enjoyed the catch-up session & I'm sure Cheryl felt the same way too :)

Hey babe, enjoy your trip yar & do take care (tho I'm sure you'll face no problems with Poh around :)) ... Do buy souveniers... hahaha

Last shot of the day...

p/s: I'll be meeting the babes this Sunday for another catch-up session before all of us gets busier with daily work... Also going to do something which I haven't done for the longest time! Dee, try get hold of Fariza please? She seems to have been on M.I.A... (i'm not kidding)

p/p/s: MY soon-to-be niece

Nur Shakira Alysa

Till then, Love!

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